Odyssey : Interrupted…..

I try to take one day at a time,

but sometimes several days attack me at once “

I used the above quotation in June in the series of posts on quotes that resonate with me.

Well  at the moment I have to say that several months have attacked me all at once recently. Since June I have been bombarded with truly huge challenges on all fronts; business-wise, health-wise, personal-wise, feel free to  imagine any ‘–wise’ you can think of and  it has challenged me! And (never begin a sentence with ‘and’ Eileen!) the concerted attack continues unabated.

The result is enormous stress or I should say  events that are causing very stressful  loss of focus on all  mission-critical fronts and will continue to do so until the end of the year.

The catalyst for all of this can probably  be laid at the door of our impending re-location to  a lovely leafy little suburb called La Rochelle.  It will be our second  suburban move since moving to Cape Town in 2005. We currently occupy two apartments in a nice old building and we are in the process of packing up both; together with a garage which is crammed full of ‘stuff’ both business and personal.

Our home apartment is not so bad – the cupboards are pretty neatly sorted. A dear kind person has offered to just pitch up on moving day and load all our garments ‘as is’ on their hangers into her car and transport them to our new home. Cool! We are profoundly grateful to her.

My books are mostly packed and ready to roll. My chests full of craft & hobby paraphernalia must still  be attended to but I am leaning towards just transporting the drawers ‘as is’ as well.

Our business apartment is not so simple and we are presently surrounded by literally dozens of boxes packed and labelled, packed and not labelled, not packed  and ………..  ya getta da picture I am sure.The result of  darn nearly five years of not sending archive paper back to our clients. Of course, the clients have been quite happy to leave their stuff with us – saves their space!!  The garage has many more such boxes waiting to be shipped and  we only have 3 weeks to go to D-Day.

I better get to end of this post and go do something useful ! 🙂

We are determined to move with as little junk as possible and  the physical strain of all this angst  is getting to us a bit. We are not getting any younger  so it’s a case of pacing ourselves and  forging ahead in an orderly fashion. List-maker that I am, there is not much that will miss my attention even as thinly spread as we are at this time.

The loss of focus on the health and wellness  aspect of the Odyssey is hugely upsetting indeed but as Dr Anna says “ Do not beat yourself up about it” .  I will just renew /redirect focus as soon and as often as  I can. In between the (organised?!) chaos, I am still trying to keep up with all my health newsletters, still checking out the “Metabolism Miracle” option, getting to gym  occasionally and hiking on mountains and in forests every so often…… What more can I do with everything else going on?!

Talk again soon I hope…… keep well and be in touch please if you can….

2 thoughts on “Odyssey : Interrupted…..

  1. Eileen….Hope you’re still not ‘checking out’ the Metabolism Miracle
    I would say you are procrastinating, my dear !! LOL
    Jump in with both feet & look even greater for Christmas & New Year’s !!!

    P.S. Great pix by the way 🙂


  2. Hi Lotus ..they say better late than never hey? 🙂
    Yes, I have been procrastinating and I have a very good excuse for it! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!
    Since we last spoke on MM friends, we have re-located 24km (if I remember correctly that is about 15 miles) inland from where we were living. What a traumatic event that is still not completed. About 200 boxes of home plus office stuff – about 50 of those boxes still need to be unpacked.
    Computer hardware, software, ADSL line and staff issues also added to the mix.
    We are nonetheless very happy to be living in a home with a garden again and also to have our little doggie Scruffy living with us again.
    My ‘wellness mojo’ seems to be on the rise again and I will hopefully post more often again here and on MM friends…
    Thanks for popping by – you’re so welcome anytime!


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