
My name is Eileen and I live in the breathtakingly beautiful Cape Town in South Africa.

In writing about my personal journey towards the best wellness that I can achieve in my own particular circumstances, the opinions I express are my own. Being confronted with multiple medical diagnoses (which each in their own right can be life threatening) is truly frightening and also, for me, challenging.

This blog is not offering medical (or in fact any kind of) advice and nothing that I might write should be construed as such. Where I write about medical conditions or dietary recommendations, I will quote the source and expect of you to check the source out for yourself.

The links to my resouces that I offer for your consideration have proved consistently very valuable to me in my quest. I believe they could do the same for you (they would not appear on my blog otherwise) but, of course, the decision about your own support system remains yours.

The intention of this blog is to encourage my extended family, friends and readers of this blog to carefully evaluate their current health status in all its facets and to start their own journey to optimum wellness!

Many of us are what Holford refers to as ‘vertically ill’. It is also my very firm belief that, if we have ‘no time’ or ‘no inclination’ to take responsibility for our health and lifestyle right now, sure as night follows day we will be forced to make time and find the money to be sick and ailing!

To your best health! Join me on the road. I will be your biggest fan!

5 thoughts on “About

      • Hi Eileen, you are indefatigable as you persist tirelessly – so focussed. I love reading about your progress, or lack of it at times. Derrick


      • Hi Derrick
        How great to hear from you! Hope all is well with you? Please do let me know!
        Yeah, I keep trying – cannot let it just go and ‘give in’ to old age and lifestyle induced illness!


  1. Hi there my dear friend Derrick
    11 years have passed! How our lives have changed in that time! I love to see how you are dancing with all the adoring ladies! 🙂


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